Not the kind of Russian Roulette you’re thinking of, certainly, but inspired by it, no doubt, this much safer alternative to that game is a leaderboard promotion cake Poker is holding for its new “Russian Roulette” style ring games and tournaments at Cake Poker.
CakePoker’s Russian Roulette is not a poker game. Instead, each player gets 3 tokens to use in making a simple decision: To Shoot or Not to Shoot. That is the question. If you shoot and the gun goes off, you lose. If you shoot and the gun doesn’t go off, you collected the pot and stay alive. If you don’t shoot, pay another token into the pot and stay alive as the turn goes to the next player.
The $4,000 Russian Roulette Leaderboard competition started on Sunday, April 15, 2012 and it runs for the next four weeks, awarding $1,000 per week until the full $4,000 prize pool has been awarded.
Every dollar a player spends playing one of these games earns that player an additional leaderboard point. The 100 top points earners each week will win a cash prize of up to $100.
There is no extra buy-in or opt-in requirement for this contest. It is simply offered to all players at Cake Poker’s new Russian Roulette tournaments and ring games, simply to entice you to spend more time (and, okay, money too) experiencing this unique new offering.
Those 4 race periods are from April 15 to 22; April 22 to 29; April 29 to May 6; and May 6 to 13. Each race period starts at 12:00 am (00:00) GMT on its listed start date and ends at 11:59 pm (23:59) GMT on its listed end date. Leader board tallies will be updated on the site every half hour.